Dear education workers at Northern Lights Public Schools:


When you join CUPE you have:

  • More power to win annual wage increases, benefits, and job security
  • Fair and transparent job posting and hiring process
  • Democracy; where the members make the decisions and determine the direction that is best for them
  • The ability to negotiate a collective agreement, which means the school board cannot arbitrarily change your working conditions
  • A process to address problems at work, and the power of a union to win solutions
  • Never having to face your employer alone

CUPE represents the majority of education workers in Alberta, with thousands of Educational Assistants, Custodial and Maintenance Staff, Office, Clerical & Administrative employees, Early Learning Educators, Library Clerks and Technicians and Transportation staff. At Northern Lights Public Schools, all non-union workers, except for management, can join CUPE. This includes all support staff at NLPS – Educational Assistants, secretaries, administrative staff, learning commons/library staff, cafeteria workers, classroom supervisors, Student Advocacy Councillors (SAC) and Early Childhood Educators (ECE) in preschool.

Your custodial colleagues at Northern Lights Public Schools are already CUPE members and belong to Local 1098

A union is YOU and your CO-WORKERS coming together to improve your working conditions. Together with your co-workers you will have the ability to decide what aspects of your job need to change for the better.

A company contract, employee handbook or terms of employment document is not a collective bargaining agreement because the employer can change the terms and conditions of employment anytime they choose.