Education workers at Northern Lights Public Schools are signing union cards to win job security, ‘just cause’, health and safety protections, fair job posting and hiring processes, and an overall stronger voice at work. Here’s how you can join:
- Click to sign a card to apply for membership in the union. Your card is confidential. Your employer does not ever see who signed cards.
- When a majority of education workers at NLSD sign cards, the union will submit an application to the Alberta Labour Relations Board (ALRB). The ALRB will arrange a vote as soon as possible to confirm if workers want a union.
- The ALRB will hold a secret ballot vote of all workers in the bargaining unit. If the majority of workers who vote say YES, the union is certified.
- CUPE would serve notice to your employer to negotiate your first contract. You would elect a bargaining committee of your co-workers who will be trained.